Standards | |
When used with well designed, age-appropriate activities, the information
available to students here can help engage students in science as inquiry.
We at CMEX understand the importance of linking educational resources to
education standards and are working on matching the information contained
to science content standards. Standards address more than content. Our goal
is to make CMEX a resource that is also aligned with science teaching and
assessment standards, and the Benchmarks for Science Education. For
example, concept maps created with the software provided by CMEX may be
used as a tool to assess student knowledge about Mars or another topic.
CMEX information is intended to take advantage of the power of technology
such as computers and the internet in the classroom or an informal
education setting, and has strong links to technology standards through the
use of these tools and the information provided on technology used or
proposed for the exploration of Mars.
National Education Standard and Benchmarks
- National
Science Education Standards from the National Academy of Sciences.
Designed to help of the nations students achieve the goal of science
literacy, these standards are for science teaching, professional
development, science content, science education programs, and science
education systems. "The Standards rest on the premise that science is an
active process. Learning science is something that students do, not
something that is done to them. "Hands-on" activities, while essential, are
not enough. Students must have "minds-on" experiences as well."
- National Educational
Technology Standards is an ongoing initiative of the International
Society for Technology in Education and a consortium of partners and
co-sponsors. Teachers can use these standards and profiles as guidelines
for planning technology-based activities in which students achieve success
in learning, communication, and life skills.
- Benchmarks
for Science Literacy "Benchmarks specifies how students
progress toward science literacy, recommending what they should know and be
able to do by the time they reach certain grade levels." This publication
can aid teachers in deciding if concepts presented in various concept maps,
science essays, and other resources are appropriate for the grade level of
their students.
- Principles and Standards for
School Mathematics from the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics. Although these standards are not specifically mapped to much
of the provided content, all science is related via mathematics. Certain
portions, such as the Mars Calendar do have a stronger mathematics
component and can be used to satisfy classroom requirements based on the
Mathematics Standards.